noted axe swinger, himbo hunter, and complete mess

**NAME: **Fuu Min
**AGE: ** 28
**RACE: ** Roegadyn, Sea Wolf
**NAMEDAY: ** 23rd Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
**GENDER: ** Female
**ORIENTATION: ** Grey Ace
**ALIGNMENT: ** Neutral Good
**PROFESSION: ** Un-retired Mark Hunter
**LANGUAGES: ** Eorzean, Intermediate Doman
**BIRTHPLACE: ** Unknown
**CLASS: ** Warrior

PERSONALITYFuu is a lot of things, and being a bit of a mess is one of them. She’s a woman of few words and has trouble forming any sort of lasting bonds with people, but stick around her long enough and the stone might crack a bit, exposing a soft, gooey interior. She’s also noticed that her stoic demeanor (when not speaking) seems to have made folks think she’s a lot smarter and cooler than she actually is, so she just kind of rolls with it. Her hobbies include eating, swinging her axe at things, and laying in bed while staring at the ceiling. Sleep too, but that usually comes with the whole laying in bed and doing nothing thing.**APPEARANCE **Fuu is a big lady. Standing at 7’3”, she is generally the tallest person in the room, save for the occasional male Roegadyn. If her height isn’t the first thing that strikes you about her, it’s her skin, an almost radioactive paleness that glows in the night. She’s long all the way down, arms sturdy and legs for malms. Her entire stature emits strength and stability, sturdy without any particularly visible or cut muscle, and there’s a softness to her abdomen visible when it’s exposed. Her eyes are a striking purple and her lips are painted to match, hiding two rows of squeaky clean fangs. There’s a broad smattering of beauty marks that go from her face down to the top of her... generous... bust -- her hips are significantly smaller in comparison, but her form still holds a notably feminine silhouette, regardless of how unique it may be.HISTORYFuu was adopted before the age of 3. The who, where, and why in regards to her birth parents are not known, and she’s not particularly concerned with it, either. A Lalafell couple, refugees from Doma who ended up finding safety in the outskirts of Gridania, found her as a toddler wandering the forests. After tirelessly trying to find even a hint of something to lead to her parents over many sleepless weeks, they were happy to accept the reality of them being gone -- or simply not wanting to be found -- and took her in as their own. They saw Fuu as a blessing after many, many failed attempts at rearing a child of their own.Fuu had a natural fighting spirit growing up and she was encouraged to seek training from the God’s Quiver, whose ranks were sprinkled along the outskirts of the Meadows -- only to be gently turned away after breaking her 7th bow in a week. The Quiver pointed her towards the Lancer’s Guild after that, and to her credit, she only broke 4 lances during her week with them. It wasn’t the most optimal situation -- neither for her or for the poor craftsmen whittling away at polearm after polearm. The guild saw promise with her, though (just… not with a lance), and sent off a commission to the Blacksmith’s Guild in Limsa, asking simply for “a weapon that won’t break, please, seriously”. Two fortnights later, Fuu was the proud new owner of a big, beautiful axe, sturdier than any spear or arrow she’d ever held in her hands. No shakes, cracks, splinters, not a single thing out of place even after her dozenth destroyed training dummy. It was love at first swing, and although her technique was a little ornery (to be expected when you’re taught to be a warrior by a bunch of lancers), it sure as hell gets the job done.By the time Fuu reached adulthood, she was ready to get out of Gridania. Not because she disliked the place -- she was just eager to finally be able to properly provide for the parents that made the choice to provide for her. The second she felt that her younger sisters (one adopted, one miraculously born) were capable enough to care for their aging parents, she took her axe and headed north. Bloodshed -- dragons, tempered, bandits, monsters, you name it -- many years she had dragged herself into the local inn, trying desperately not to let the blood in her furs drip onto the stairs as she walked down them, an apologetic smile curled on her lips as she disappeared into her room every night. The hunt board alone made for good coin, and she was proud to offer an envelope to the nearest mail drop-off every week, plump with tender and on a one-way trip home.She’s a little older, now, and it turns out that beating the shit out of stuff with a giant axe for a living isn’t great for the back and shoulders. Fuu chose to ignore the pain for a while to the best of her ability, but she came to realize that it would be a lot harder to provide for someone with arms that don’t work. So, after a whole lot of arguments between her and her brain, she’s recently found herself back in Gridania. She takes less jobs battering monsters and more jobs chopping firewood for the local elderly population. She misses Ishgard dearly and wants to find herself back there someday, but she’s fine with the comforts of home for now. She knows her parents won’t be around for much longer, and she’s happy to be around while she can, even though she spends a lot of time smacking her head against their doorframes. Lalafell architecture is not kind to her.

Her birth name is Keimswys Bleirysswyn (Violet Sister, Daughter of the Pale Giant). She doesn't know it.
She has two adoptive sisters. One is a Viera named Tari, and the other is her adoptive parents' biological daughter, a Lalafell named Taetae.
She can play the guitar, but she breaks the strings too much to feel that it's worth it.

She used to bartend, but she doesn't drink. Her basis of a quality drink is that the color is pretty. It's worked out so far.
She slams her head on roughly 20 doorframes per moon.
Her chocobo's name is Bora.
One of the reasons Fuu likes Coerthas is because her body temperature is naturally high. It's like permanent air conditioning.
She enjoys putting braids in her hair.

**AMAZONIAN BEAUTY ** ✻ She's big. She's pretty. She has an axe.
**OFF-BRAND TSUNDERE ** ✻ Fuu's tough shit, but there's a gross, gooey center in there.
**LOOK, DON'T TOUCH ** ✻ Unless otherwise instructed, at least.
**I WORK ALONE ** ✻ Other people just tend to get in the way.
**SELF-SABOTEUR ** ✻ Fuu is very talented in the art of making shit up in her brain. This results in endless misunderstandings and arguments with people that try to get close to her, which is unfortunate, because...
**HIMBO HUNTER ** ✻ No, I will not be elaborating.


Perfect to give to artists when you commission them or just for your personal use!

$20 USD / sheet

Character turn-around
Waist-up shot
Portrait (with paint-over!)
Color palette
Detail shots of key points
I am willing to discuss further wants and needs and these may be subject to additional charges.NOTES:
☆ Both modded and vanilla characters are fine!
MODDED CHARACTERS: You will need to be a Mare Lamentorium user and willing to share your code with me (I will delete it when I am done taking your photos).☆ You will need to be ready to plan a date and time to meet up with me at my photo studio. Once I enter GPose, you are free to leave!



Coming soon!